Read Your Bleed.
What does your menstrual blood say about you?
Bright Red, Liquid, with Minimal Clotting
A healthy menstrual flow! Blood should be fresh and liquid with minimal clots. Blood color should be crimson red. This indicates that estrogen and progesterone are balanced, and it is more likely the person experiences painless menstruation.
Heavy, Dark, and Clotted
This kind of blood is flows heavily, is a darker red such as maroon or burgundy, and has many large, identifiable clots. This indicates the presence of excess estrogen in comparison to progesterone. A person with this type of flow may experience PMS, acne, hair loss or hirsutism, moodiness, headaches, and other symptoms.
Light, Pink, or Scanty
This is where you almost don’t have a flow at all. Blood is pink and you may not have enough to even collect with a menstrual product. This is a clear sign of low estrogen. It can mean that you are not making enough to protect bones, grow your uterine lining, or release an egg.
Brown, Purple, or Black
This flow is brown, purple, or black, signifying old blood. This can mean you are dealing with pelvic blood stagnation, low progesterone, or you are entering peri-menopause. This kind of flow can also signify infertility and miscarriage.