My Journey
Hi, I’m Nicole, and I’m glad you’re here. I’m a fertility awareness educator, farmer, forager, locavore herbalist, artist, and author. I discovered fertility awareness after suffering through the side effects of conventional birth control and feeling totally helpless. After I brought my concerns to my doctor I was dismissed as it being “all in my head.” This is when I learned that so many others had also been dismissed by their doctors about issues related to birth control and reproductive health in general. This is what inspired me to begin charting my menstrual cycle with my partner. I began speaking about my experiences online at #FAMTaughtMe, and now I have the pleasure of teaching menstrual cycle awareness as well as providing private consultation for those interested in learning the fertility awareness method or gaining insight into their reproductive health.
What People Are Saying
Nicole has selflessly, and at times, sacrificially shared her knowledge with and guided me through multiple phases and obstacles that my menstrual cycle and body literacy journey have presented. She is somehow grounded, practical and methodical yet whole-heartedly empathetic and caring. Being nurtured by Nicole’s knowledge is a profound experience that I recommend to literally every person in my life. The work Nicole does gives me faith in the future of the reproductive realm and body autonomy.
Nicole’s knowledge and wisdom are an endless pool of resources. She is one of the most important people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet - her expertise is correcting a long term hormonal imbalance I’ve had, hypothyroidism & anovulation. After years of frustration, tears & 70lbs gained, I’m finally getting myself, my cycle, and my body back.
Body literacy as a practice has changed my life in many, many ways and all for the better. Nicole is incredibly wise & researches the information that she shares thoroughly. the work she is doing here is absolutely vital & the knowledge that she shares is purposefully suppressed because of how powerful it is for us in our collective liberation. Nicole clearly cares deeply for not only her work, but everyone she works with.

Nothing is more rewarding than learning to be intimate with your own body — and I’m here to help you activate.
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